来源: 2015-05-28 11:27:00 点击:3846





在这个热烈、奔放的夏日来临之际,“SEA-Hi!论坛”——这个面向公众的城市论坛即将于上海设计中心金色大厅隆重开启。‘SEA’是空间(Space)、娱乐(Entertainment)、艺术(Art)的英文缩写,‘Hi’中的‘H’代表上海、‘i’是创新(innovate)的英文缩写,‘ SEA-Hi!’代表论坛主要聚焦于城市空间、城市发展创新空间,体现浓浓的海派特色,它又与‘say Hi’ 谐音,意喻向社会公众发出邀请、致意,体现出亲和力和开放性。论坛译名“思海”,蕴含海纳百川之意,彰显海派文化特征,将给大众带来能碰撞出思想火花的头脑风暴。




首届 SEA-Hi!论坛将于6月10日傍晚,在上海设计中心(保屯路433号,原世博会浦西最佳实践区)正式启幕。著名作家陈丹燕、AECOM公司亚太区高级副总裁刘泓志、曹杨新村街道主任潘旭山、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授沙永杰、自由摄影师席闻雷、独立建筑师俞挺、上海市城市规划设计研究院副院长赵宝静等七位演讲嘉宾将从不同视角,跟大家分享宜居理念,畅想空间品质。

Love for Shanghai, Sea-Hi for you!

SEA-Hi! The 1st Forum is to open,

Creating a Platform for Crowd-Creation & Crowd-Funding in Planning & Architecture


This summer kicks off with the “SEA-Hi! Forum”, an urban platform opening to the public officially at Shanghai International Design Center. “SEA” stands for Space, Entertainment and Art, and “Hi” Shanghai and Innovate. “SEA-Hi!” primarily focuses on urban space and innovation space of urban development, representing a typical Shanghai style. Meanwhile, it sounds similar to “say Hi”, indicative of an invitation to the public and signaling affinity and openness. The name is literally rendered “思海” (sihai, pondering over the sea), conveying the message of inclusiveness and bearing the hallmark of the Shanghai-style culture. It will brainstorm the public for sparks of innovative ideas.


This is not an ordinary lecture-based forum, but an open platform to promote industrial innovation, a place where creativity and wisdom of the planning and architecture field meet and a platform for crowd-creation & crowd-funding, designed for those who love Shanghai and willingly contribute their wisdom to improve the quality of urban space. The forum is characterized by innovative viewpoints, new ideas, entertainment and public involvement. Each keynote speech is problem-based, describing the problems facing urban space quality during the urban development and construction and providing solutions. Anyone in any field can be the keynote speaker at the forum to share unique creative ideas.


SEA-Hiwill offer a platform and channel of effective communication for both the decision-makers of urban development and ordinary citizens. The platform will not only engage ordinary people in public policies on urban planning, but also initiate ideas about new public policies.


SEA-Hi Forum will be held on a trimonthly basis by involving people both on-site/off-site and online/offline. There will be on-site discussions and internet participation to produce new ideas for urban development and spread new concepts of urban planning and construction. Relevant forum updates and ticket information will be released on the website of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Planning and Land Resources (http://www.shgtj.gov.cn) and that of Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute (http://www.supdri.com) as well as the wechat public account of “Shanghai 2040”. Any citizen interested in urban development of Shanghai and exploring approaches to improving urban space quality can sign up for this activity through the above channels. In addition, extended activities will be organized from time to time, e.g. photography exhibition, outdoor activity.


The 1st SEA-Hi Forum is to initiate at No.433, Baotun Road. On this occasion, seven keynote speakers will share their ideas on livability and urban space quality from different perspectives, namely, the famous writer Chen Danyan, Liu Hongzhi, Senior Vice President of AECOM in Asia-Pacific, Pan Xushan, Director of Caoyang New Village Subdistrict, Sha Yongjie, associate professor of College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, freelance photographer Xi Wenlei, independent architect Yu Ting and Zhao Baojing, vice president of Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute.

